The behaviors portrayed by this group include assault and battery against innocent crowds, leaving several in their midst severely injured or in critical conditions. On August 12, 2017 during the white supremacy rally, ANTIFA retaliates in an act of counter protesting; violence breaks when ANTIFA members assault the crowd, igniting the exact fuel that supremacists are looking for: chaos.
Although I do not condone the beliefs, values, or ideals of these white supremacists, I argue that retaliating with violence is the worst strategy towards making a better country; this applies to both radical sides of each party.
Considerably, I concede that white supremacists conduct the most violence across the United States individually by those who take firearms against other people and committing several mass shootings, which is an immediate threat demanding attention. But I am writing this as a concern for the organization of domestic terrorism: ANTIFA conducting organized attacks and impulsive collusions against individuals (who are not white supremacists) that support President Trump or any conservative views. They are striking fear into those who do not believe in their agendas resulting in people too unsettled to freely speak or participate in their pride of being an American, who should be free to choose not only what party, but what beliefs they may freely practice.
Considerably, I concede that white supremacists conduct the most violence across the United States individually by those who take firearms against other people and committing several mass shootings, which is an immediate threat demanding attention. But I am writing this as a concern for the organization of domestic terrorism: ANTIFA conducting organized attacks and impulsive collusions against individuals (who are not white supremacists) that support President Trump or any conservative views. They are striking fear into those who do not believe in their agendas resulting in people too unsettled to freely speak or participate in their pride of being an American, who should be free to choose not only what party, but what beliefs they may freely practice.
Furthermore, the idea that these "anti-fascists" believers assemble in the name of peace against hate, the opposite prevails when the only position behind the curtain is a supremacist group who uphold the socialist agenda, implementing their values and condemning polar views. The first amendment is lost in translation.