Friday, September 20, 2019

Antitrust Policies Against Large Corporations

Ever since the our Bill of Rights has been written, the first amendment has always faced trials and errors to perfect our nation's promise of liberty and the fight for equality and expression. Over the centuries new issues surface, from unprotected actions and determining what is protected speech; today we find ourselves in a new era where the government has to take strides to enforce the first amendment upon large scale corporations. 

Facebook is now under pressure as several states consisting of Florida, Colorado, Iowa, North Carolina, Nebraska, Ohio, Tennessee and including Washing ton D.C. come together to launch an investigation based upon anti-trust. With the attorney general Letitia James leading the investigation, she claims that the focus is upon "Facebook's impact on advertising prices, data, and consumer products. 'We will use every investigative tool ... to determine whether Facebook's actions may have endangered consumer data, reduced the quality of consumers' choices, or increased the price of advertising.'" 

Several corporations such as Apple, Amazon and Twitter have undergone this type of investigation before; the issue that brings these corporations to the  jurors table is the fact that they attain personal information and sell the information to buyers. This a huge violation of our first amendment rights, the right to privacy is a staple that this nation was founded on and should aim to keep secure. In addition, in a monopolous act by aiming to shut down competition, these corporations only promote what they desire you to see. In the instance of the news, Google was placed under investigation for 'hiding' certain political stances from searches and only promoting what they as an organization desire you to filter through your mind. This is an act of propaganda and goes against the freedom of equal expression.

We need to stand against these corporations in the name of freedom and privacy, and under the first amendment which protects us. 

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