Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Information Found On Myself

While attempting to search information about myself as if I were an employer searching information upon a potential employee, I honestly did not learn as much as I was expecting to find about myself (which is a good thing). My name is David G. Kleinschuster, and my father is David W. Kleinschuster, so whenever I attempt to search my name on the internet, mostly my father's information comes up. He himself does not use social media in a broad expanse, he just got a FaceBook this summer, so the only information which truly appears when I search my (our) name is "Albemarle Psychological Innovations," his own psychological firm. I even went to and did not find any information upon myself, only my family members.

Again, not being able to find yourself on the internet is not a bad thing. I may have found one or two photos of myself in google search but majority of what I found were people I knew. Truly the only social media applications I actively use are Instagram and VSCO. Both are apps meant for posting photos, yet Instagram is meant for a more follower basis VSCO rather focuses on creativity of a photo and unique editing styles. I prefer to use VSCO because the app is not designed to focus upon the status of having followers, but rather just expressing yourself through images you take.

Either way, the images I post are of places I have been, family and friends, or of myself; I leave a positive footprint of myself within any application that I use, for I never know what future employers may want to learn about myself.

Furthermore, the image you set for yourself online is not only to make a footprint for potential business, but the information you input onto the web allows the government and these private businesses to sell your personal information to potential buyers; this makes you vulnerable to spyware \by agreeing to contracts that these corporations such as Google to access your personal information. So play it safe, and take care of your digital footprint.

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